July Monthly Impact

July is the month when schools in the Philippines officially end their school year. Here at Redeeming Zoe Cebu, when a month comes to an end before we welcome the next one, we pause, look back and see how it has been. We celebrate our wins and we love to share them with you. Help us celebrate some of our RZ wins this month:

  • We gathered our Club Kinabuhi students to celebrate all the graduates and passers. We had a wonderful time giving them gifts and honoring them for working hard as a student and rallying despite the challenges of online and modular learning.

  • The mothers of the students were also gathered for a bible study. Many expressed their challenge during this season and we were able to give encouragement and prayer through God's word.

  • This month we started using my body belongs to me booklet with 40 children in one Barangay (community). Children gathered twice this month and they were taught about their personal space and how to build a trust circle of safe adults.

  • This month we completed a lesson series for an organization that works with women survivors. Four things we talked about are boundaries, laws protecting violence against women and children, identity in Christ, and lastly self-care. The series ran for the entire month, covering one topic each week, and the response after the training was overwhelming. One woman said she didn't know she could say NO to someone who would randomly make unsafe touches and make her uncomfortable. Another lady said before the training she didn't have boundaries and she didn't know what that was, now she is confident she can apply safety boundaries in her life and she can say NO to things or people that cross those.

  • Strengthening families continue as we continue to give our monthly rice pack assistance. One mother shared with us that her family had nothing left to eat and our rice pack came just in time. They were so grateful that the RZ rice pack was able to help them get through a few days worth of meals.


  • MBBTM booklet training continues for children at a certain barangay. (community)

  • Monthly Club Kinabuhi students gathering and parent bible study

  • Island ministry and follow-ups

  • New Office Admin starting August 3rd! We asked you to join us in praying for this last month and our prayers were answered! This is the first time Redeeming Zoe Cebu will have three full-time staff.


  • Help us pray as we do Island ministries in the coming months, pray for good weather conditions while traveling by sea and health and safety while traveling

  • Pray for a smooth transition with our new staff and new roles in the Cebu Office

  • Please continue to pray that God will open doors for more partnerships with local government and like-minded organizations here in PH


Redeeming Zoe In Action


June Monthly Impact