April Monthly Update
April is one of our busiest months, with the Holy week holidays in between, and government deadlines we have to stretch the trainings towards the end of the month, but that didn't stop us from winning.
• Government 2021 requirements are complete and submitted, thanks to our bookkeeper who has helped us stay on track with all the government requirements.
• We visited two of our clients who were removed from their home back in 2019 due to safety. We were able to bring their families with us and celebrate one of their birthdays with a shared meal.
• We led a training for a small group of teachers from a local private school about child protection and the importance of having child protection policies in place to protect both the children and the staff.
• After months of looking for a venue, we finally found a place in the area to gather the Club Kinabuhi families together with their children. It’s been a while, and it was a challenge at first to get the kids to participate because they were shy, but later on, they all got excited and had fun. What a joy to see beautiful smiling faces and hear children’s laughter again. We led a training on the value of a child and online child safety. All parents agreed we all need to be vigilant in taking care of our children.
• More trainings on the book, “My Body Belongs to Me”
• Working towards our families gathering again each month
• Continuing food pack distribution
• Please pray that we can get back to monthly gatherings with our CK families and pray the school will let us use their facilities since the school is the closest to where they live
• Pray for teachers and children’s safety as the schools slowly reopen
• Pray for the upcoming Philippine election as this will really change the dynamic of the country when it comes to school reopening and child safety advocacies
• Pray for provision for our Founders Becca and Hillary’s visit to the Philippines
• Pray our budget to add more families to join our Club Kinabuhi family