Strong, Smart, and Safe
October was a rainy month with two typhoons in our area but we praise the Lord for the protection and strength enabling us to continue God’s work through Redeeming Zoe despite the heavy rains.
Training with Holistic International Assembly for Love and Share Ministries, Inc. to 10 teachers about our lesson booklet. They aim to use the lesson series during November’s Children’s Month activities where 310 children will be taught body safety.
We also had the same training with Mactan Cathedral of Faith Church teachers for the curriculum they want to use for over 400 children. We are so grateful we only had to train 7 teachers for hundreds of children to be impacted.
This month we revised our eight-lesson series to make it more fun and relatable to children. It is now called I can be strong, smart, and safe.
We are so grateful for our monthly mothers gathering. We gave them food packs with goodies inside. Parents are so grateful we love seeing their smiles and we love the opportunity to be able to pray for them.
Our prevention lessons with Club Kinabuhi children continue. This month our highlight with them was the lesson about private and public body parts and how we should take care of them. We love teaching these to children no matter what age, it is never too late to educate.
Teacher’s training with a local high school
November children’s month trainings with partner churches
Please continue to pray for more opportunities for partnership with local schools, like-minded organizations, and churches.
Pray for wisdom for our team as we start planning for RZ goals for 2023.
Pray for our upcoming annual fundraiser, Photos For Freedom on Saturday the 12th & 19th.