Enhancing Child Safety

In the month of September, our vision to see communities equipped and empowered continues to unfold through training and awareness initiatives aimed at enhancing child safety and supporting parents and families toward their goal of caring for and protecting their children. Here is a summary of our wins this month:


  • 74 children from a church in the province and 190 children from a partner organization were educated this month on how to be safe, identify their five safe adults to ask for help when in trouble and know their rights as a child.

  • New barangay outreach started this month, and 35 children attend weekly in our outreach program as staff and volunteers teach the kids about basic child safety and hygiene. We also teach kids about how God made them and they are unique and important. What a blessing to teach kids.

  • We also had the opportunity to do a parent seminar which almost 50 parents attended to learn how they can enhance their child’s interest at school and acquire skills on how to manage stress so they can better take care of themselves and their children. Parents feel equipped and empowered afterward.

  • Club Kinabuhi continues and for September our focus is physical health and hygiene. Nutritious meals were prepared during our gathering and hygiene kits along with rice packs were distributed. Since school just opened, we are also able to give school supplies to our Club Kinabuhi members.

We are so grateful we are able to do what we do because of your unwavering support.


  • Child Protection training for partner organizations

  • Continue outreach programs


  • Please pray for our Club Kinabuhi members who have started to join a church for them to continue and grow

  • Please pray that the children and families who have gone through our training will continue to use what they have learned and will share it with others too

  • Please pray for the upcoming visit of our CEOs

  1. (Barangay is the native Filipino term for district/village)


From Awareness to Action


Empowering Futures