Empowering The Local Church

In February, we continued with our focused initiative of training and awareness while also continuing government permit renewals. We also had multiple meetings for potential partnership and collaboration with other nonprofits, another answered prayer. What an exciting month we had and we are happy to share that this month:


  • At a local church, we were able to reach 50 children and teach them about the basic protective behaviors like who their safe adults are and how to recognize signs of abuse. We also trained 6 of their children volunteers about child protective behaviors and our curriculum “I can be strong smart and safe” so they can use it in their Sunday School. We are delighted to enhance their awareness and understanding of measures to protect children under their care.

  • CK gatherings and monthly food pack support continue and we had a wonderful time talking about God’s love towards them and their family. We also teach parents about the five love languages so they can show love to their children according to their children’s love needs.

  • We had our CK teens join the basic first aid and rescue training hosted by the government's national risk reduction management team. They had fun while also learning the basic things they can do when calamities happen.

  • This month, our office sanitary permits from the government were renewed. We are delighted with the ongoing efforts of our administrator to make sure we at RZ Cebu are compliant with the local government.


  • Traveling to Mindanao for a new island ministry!! 💙

  • School awareness training

  • Collaboration with other organizations

  • Get more clients for Club Kinabuhi


  • Pray for more public schools to open their doors for RZ training

  • Pray that we add the right CK families that need us most

  • Pray we find the right person as we are working to hire another part-time employee


Summer’s Heating Up


Family’s Prized Possession