Empowering Through The Heat
April starts the summer season in the Philippines, and despite the rising heat index, our team is dedicated to bringing child protection training to the communities. The hot weather didn’t deter our team from what’s important. Help us celebrate the wins for this month:
Through community outreach programs, 168 children were educated about their rights as a child and were empowered to speak up against abuse and exploitation while using our prevention education curriculum.
Club Kinabuhi children are growing in their newfound church community, and this summer, one of the things they love to do is sports. We strongly believe that sports go beyond learning new physical skills, it also helps children cope with the highs and lows of life and will help them become resilient.
Club Kinabuhi is thriving and with the help of a partner organization called Eleison Foundation, which focuses on community mental health education, we were able to educate our parents about the importance of their mental health. Higher parental stress is associated with physical violence against children. Educating the community about mental health is valuable and will broaden our impact on protecting the next generation.
Community training
New Partnerships
Island ministries
Pray for a successful community outreach and partnerships
Pray for our desire to expand our reach in Mindanao and Luzon Islands, and all over the Philippines
Pray for the Gala preparations