Finding Family

May was a month of professional development, impactful service, and meaningful engagement with those we serve. Help us celebrate some of our wins for this month:


  • Staff Training for Biblical Counseling: our team participated in an extensive training program focused on biblical counseling. This training aimed to enhance our staff's ability to provide spiritual and emotional support to our community. The sessions included lectures, and question & answer to ensure comprehensive learning and application of biblical counseling principles.

  • We successfully organized a community outreach in partnership with a local NGO. We reached over 220 children. This event was dedicated to teaching child protective behaviors in the slum area where the community has no concept of privacy and safe space. Our training was emphasizing safety, awareness, and empowerment. Through interactive teaching, games, and educational activities, the children learned valuable skills to protect themselves and how to recognize unsafe situations.

  • To support our Club Kinabuhi families in need, we continue to give out our monthly food pack support. Each bundle contained essential food items to help alleviate hunger and ensure nutritional needs were met. This initiative was part of our ongoing effort to provide immediate assistance to vulnerable members of our community. And what we love hearing during gatherings are the mother’s powerful testimonies. One mother said she loved joining each gathering not just because of the food pack given but because with Redeeming Zoe she finds a family she can confide and share life with.


  • Community training

  • New Partnerships

  • Island ministries

  • Part-time staff will be added to RZ Philippines team


  • Pray for a successful community outreach and partnerships

  • Pray for our desire to expand our reach in Mindanao and Luzon Islands, and all over the Philippines

  • Pray for the Gala preparations


“I know God sees me”


Empowering Through The Heat